
Mobile health (mHealth) is the sub-set of digital health solutions that takes advantage of mobile platforms, like smartphones, tablets and wearables.

Mobile is the most pervasive communications platform. The high rate of possession and use of mobile devices across all age groups makes it a convenient platform to introduce digital health solutions on a large scale while providing for personalised healthcare delivery.

Increasing capabilities of mobile devices in terms of integrated sensors and cameras, biometric applications, processing power and connectivity open up entire new possibilities.

COCIR strongly believes that mHealth should be fully integrated into routine care.

Market fragmentation needs to be addressed to allow the scalability of mHealth services. Reimbursement mechanisms should be adapted so that the technology can be effectively used.

Both developers and users are to benefit from a consistent implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation across Member EU States as the responsible use and transfer of personal data is essential for building trust in mHealth services.

COCIR has been one of the contributors to the “Draft Code of Conduct on Privacy for Mobile Health Applications”

Read joint report: mHealth: Joint Recommendations for an effective deployment

Read our report: mHealth: COCIR Recommendations for an effective deployment.

Read our White Paper: Realising the Potential of mHealth: Where Do We Stand?