COCIR is monitoring and contributing to the development of regulations in Europe and beyond and is informing its members on market challenges and opportunities.
As China remains an important market for our members, COCIR opened a China Desk in 2007. Since then, it has proven to be very useful for our members as it allowed to strengthen our communicaton towards the Chinese government (CFDA) and Chinese Trade Association (CAMDI) as well as keeping strong links with EC Delegation in Beijing.
The COCIR China Desk permanently monitors the evolution of the regulatory framework in China and keeps the COCIR membership involved in key on-going discussions regarding future changes planned in the regulatory environment.
As COCIR membership companies are global industries developing important market besides Europe at intenational level, COCIR developed several years ago activities at international level in order to tackle challenges they were facing and help them in removing trade barriers. Occasional actions have been done already in Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia and Korea.
In addition, since 2001, COCIR had annual meetings with MITA and JIRA under the umbrella of DITTA in order to openly share and discuss matters of common interest, as we have in our membership similar companies.