The WEEE II Directive has been published on the Official Journal of the European Union on 24 July 2012 as Directive 2012/19/EU, repealing Directive 2002/96/EC WEEE.
The WEEE Directive required manufacturers of electric and electronic equipment (medical devices included) to take care of organizing and financing the correct treatment of end of life equipment discarded by users (both professional and domestic). The Directive also set collection targets and recycling/recovery targets. The WEEE II Directive introduces new obbligations for Member States and manufacturers of equipment and more ambitious targets while not affecting significantly the already established practices for medical equipment.
COCIR, while appreciating the many improvements brought by the recast, believes that the opportunity has been lost to introduce elements that could help the industry to manage their financial and administrative obligations in an optimally efficient way.
COCIR is particularly concerned about the new requirements for the shipment of used equipment in Annex VI that risk to hamper refurbishment and repair activities. COCIR advocated during the decisional process with EU Institution and succeded to introduce exclusions which help the smooth continuing of environmental friendly activities.
December 2012
COCIR co-signed a paper with EDMA to contribute to the drafting of the EC Guidance documenton WEEE II
COCIR-EDMA contribution to WEEE II FAQs
July 2011
COCIR issued a Position Paper for the second reading and co-signed a Joint Industry Paper, released by ORGALIME, together with eight other Sector Committees.
COCIR recommendations for the 2nd reading (July 2011)
Joint Industry Position for the 2nd reading (July 2011)
February 2011
COCIR issued a first set of recommendations for the European Parliament and Council and a proposal to amend Annex IC
COCIR recommendations for the 1st reading (February 2011)
COCIR proposal to amend Annex IC
COCIR co-signed a Joint Political Letter and a Joint Industry Statemen with ORGALIME and eight European Sector Committees, highlighting their main concerns about the European Parliament and Council positions and proposing amendments.