BRUSSELS – 15 March 2018: COCIR is enhancing its existing code of conduct on relationships with healthcare professionals. The amended Code will be effective as of 1 January 2019 to allow all stakeholders time to implement the changes to the Code.
A key component of these latest updates to the Code is that COCIR company members will end direct sponsorship, meaning that they will no longer pay the registration fees, travel or lodging costs for individual healthcare professionals to attend conferences organised by third parties.
COCIR has long maintained a high standard on how its members should engage with Healthcare Professionals, providing its first guidelines in 1996 and launching its first dedicated Code of Conduct in 2009. This Code was enhanced in 2015 with additional guidance on many topics, including public procurement, industry support of third-parties’ conferences, provision of educational grants and interactions with independent third parties such as agents, distributors and consultants, gifts, demonstration and evaluation of equipment.
Nicole Denjoy, COCIR Secretary General, says, “These latest changes to our Code of Conduct reflect our company members’ continuing commitment to maintain the highest possible ethical standards. The end of direct sponsorship is a great opportunity to enhance our relationships with healthcare organisations and professional conference organisers.”
COCIR and its company members are dedicated to respecting the independence of individual healthcare professionals in making decisions guided fully by the best interests of their patients, without any potential influence from the industry. They also remain committed to supporting medical education. They will contribute by funding educational activities organised by healthcare organisations such as hospitals, medical societies and sponsorships to professional conference organisers. These organisations will be responsible for deciding independently on the allocation of funds for educational purposes. Educational grants will be fully documented by COCIR company members.
For more information, contact:
Nicole Denjoy
COCIR Secretary General
Tel: +32 (0)2 706
Colin Mackay
COCIR Communications Senior Advisor
Tel: +32 (0) 473 43 07 52