Strengthening Europe in the fight against cancer – towards a comprehensive and coordinated strategy

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COCIR welcomes the adoption of the BECA own initiative report on the fight against cancer by the European Parliament in its plenary vote on 16 February 2022.

Early detection of cancer and the implementation of effective screening programmes are two of the main aspects to reduce the burden of cancer in society. COCIR and its members are delighted to see the resounding call by the European Parliament’s report (2020/2267(INI)) [P9_TA(2022)0038] to create the necessary investments & scientific guidelines to further improve early detection capability and screening recommendations to a broader range of cancers. We welcome the European Parliament’s suggestion to include lung and prostate cancer screenings in the updated and extended version of the 2003 Council Recommendation on cancer screening, considering the latest scientific evidence supported by Artificial Intelligence-enabled technologies.

In addition, we support the European Parliament recommendations to target investment to effectively developed and interoperable Electronic Health Records, digital health solutions for continued cancer out-patient care, as well as multi-sectoral synergies in research and innovation to improve early detection and personalised cancer treatment.

COCIR, the European Trade Association representing the medical imaging, radiotherapy, health ICT and electromedical industries, and its members are striving to provide new innovative solutions to meet evolving patient and clinical needs, with the objective that patients can benefit from personalised care, and sustainable outcomes. To this end, COCIR will continue to provide our full support to the efforts to strengthen Europe in the fight against cancer.