COCIR Position Paper on NCDs

The burden and threat of noncommunicable diseases [NCDs] constitutes a major public health challenge that undermines socio-economic development throughout the world and increases inequalities between countries and within populations.
In the post-COVID reality, the plateau and occasional increase of NCDs mortality rates – also as a collateral damage of the recent pandemic – has raised concerns when considering population health and health systems resilience.
The NCDs prevalence is influenced by both non-modifiable risk factors, such as biological inheritance, and modifiable ones, such as lifestyle and socioeconomic health determinants –in addition to comorbidities and Europe’s ageing population.
According to WHO’s projections, the total annual number of deaths from NCDs will increase to 55 million by 2030 ‘if “business as usual” continues’. NCDs burden can be greatly reduced with prevention and cure are implemented in an effective and balanced manner.

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