COCIR Input on WEEE Recast

COCIR is following with extreme interest the development of the recast of the Directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).

The European Parliament approved its first reading position on 3 February and the dossier is now under discussion in the European Council. The Council will adopt its position on 14 March but most probably the dossier will undergo a second reading.


COCIR issued a first set of recommendations for the European Parliament and the European Council. (See attached)


COCIR, while appreciating the many improvements in the text supported by the Council and the Parliament, believes that, until now, they did not introduce improvements that could have helped COCIR companies manage all the obligations, financial and administrative, in a most efficient way.


COCIR will monitor closely the development of the second reading phase and will keep working with the legislator as we are committed to raise awareness of the specific needs of the medical sector in the European Institutions, to ensure the final WEEE Recast does not impose additional and unjustified administrative burdens to member companies.


COCIR will post more information as the recast process develops.