Telehealth and Care Coordination: What we did right and what we did wrong? Critical self-reflection

10 October 2017,  Odense, Denmark

In every implementation, we experience everything from challenges, barriers, valuable learnings and success stories. To prevent us “implementers” from re-inventing the wheel or making the same mistake numerous times all over Europe, this conference opens up the possibility of sharing these experiences with a wide group of people.  As part of a European collaboration, the ACT@Scale partnership knows how important it is to share experiences and that we are already wiser now than we started.
During this conference day, our speakers from all over Europe will reflect on their own learnings, both good and bad, from their work with health and social care services. To ensure focus on knowledge sharing and valuable discussions, the event will be very interactive by combining short presentations with discussions.
The conference will include Insights from Scotland and the Basque Country, New visions for Cross-sector collaboration and citizen-centered innovation, The importance of combining implementation with communication, Insights from the ACT@Scale project, and the view on telehealth and care coordination seen from the perspective of the Danish national eHealth platform
For registration to the event, please follow the instructions on the WHINN web site.